Season of AURORA

Sky: Children of the Light

Fan Wiki

To date, Season of AURORA is perhaps the most proud I have been for a creative project. From concept to ship, I worked with a (stunningly) talented team to weave together the music of Norwegian singer AURORA with the storied history of Sky. With a slew of new features and mechanics designed to enmesh the musical experience with the gameplay and storytelling, this season was an innovative fusion of the two most influential media in my life - games and music.

My responsibilities this season included:

  • Design and development of the Season’s concept, gameplay, cinematics, interactions, and experience as lead designer

  • Collaborate with folks like animator Chris Bishop to design immersive and emotionally powerful song experiences

  • Design and development (C++) of several new features to support music-oriented gameplay. I am most proud of:

    • A new music-driven quest format which emphasized storytelling and world-immersion

    • A new mechanic which pulsed the game’s grass, particles, camera shake, and many other ambient effects with the music

  • Design and development of four quests/songs which progress the season’s story and gameplay

  • Unite and lead a team of superheroes


(click-through links to sources)