Sky x Aurora:
The Musical Voyage
Sky: Children of the Light
Guinness World Records™ title holder for
Most Users in a Concert-Themed Virtual World
Most Avatars Emoting Simultaneously
Check out the fan Wiki for more info!
The concert experience we created to capstone Season of Aurora leaves me beaming with pride. For 50 emotional, musically exuberant minutes, players experienced a one-of-a-kind audio-visual journey simultaneously with 4,000 others in real-time. On opening night, after The Game Awards, 1.6 million players across the world took part in the magic. It was a design, engineering, storytelling, audio, and visual feat I am lucky to have been a part of. The list of talented individuals contributing to this accomplishment is long, everyone’s achievements more impressive than the next. Though the concert is no longer available to experience, numerous player-reaction and experience streams are available online, as well as the official video listed below.
My responsibilities for the musical voyage included:
Design direction and development of overall concert experience
Design and development of multiple song experiences
Design and development of inter-song sequences
Design and development of player join/leave flows, including new player onboarding, veteran player joining, leaving early, joining late, etc.
Design and development of front-end level-logic to manage the choreographed movement of millions of players across song/level experiences
And so much more!
Always remember, our lights shine brighter together