…with superhuman vision
(HoloLens AR System for NASA)
…on mars
(Intergalactic Adventures - PC)
…in your memories
(Spatial Mnemonic - Mobile VR)
…through the city
(Urban Exploration Game - Mobile AR)
…down new roads
(Physical Game)
…over mountaintops
(Vertical Zen Garden - VR)
…jackets that breathe
(Fashion Fabrication + Design)
…stories from manholes
(Geo-Located Photography)
…music with your body
(Interactive Spatio-Auditory Installation)
…cartographic history
(Cartographic Research - VHS)
…waves of stillness
(Living Data-Driven Installation)
…instruments of space-time
(Analogue GIS System)
…puzzling ciphers
(Resistor Box Game)
…where urbanism reigns
(Urbanism + Architecture)
…where we can live together
…both real and imaginary
(VR Informed Architecture)
…beside the trees of the desert
(Ecological Design Guidelines)
…that return to the earth
(Compostable Architecture)